Meghan vs the media: A royal media rumble rocks the UK press | The Listening Post

•Mar 13, 2021
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah has left British news outlets in a frenzy.

•Mar 13, 2021
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah has left British news outlets in a frenzy.


Stephen Bates - Former royal correspondent, The Guardian and author, Royalty Inc.

Laura Clancy - Lecturer in media, Lancaster University and author, Running the Family Firm

Anna Pasternak - Royal biographer and author, The American Duchess

Shola Mos-Shogbamimu - Author and lawyer

Miranda Larbi - Freelance journalist

On our radar

Myanmar’s new military rulers hire a PR firm with the hope that they will be able to change the news narrative on the coup. Richard Gizbert speaks to producer Nic Muirhead about the firm’s back catalogue of clients.

A game designer’s analysis of QAnon

Alternate realities - the similarities between conspiracy movements like QAnon in the United States and the gaming world.


Reed Berkowitz - Game designer

00:00? Intro
02:05? Meghan vs the media
11:25? Latest from Myanmar
14:06? A gamer’s analysis of QAnon
23:52? Endnote


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